Lecturer Corner

Cara yang Tepat untuk Menaruh Masker Sebentar

Cara yang Tepat untuk Menaruh Masker Sebentar

Apakah Anda Memakai Masker Seperti Ini?

Apakah Anda Memakai Masker Seperti Ini?

Kosakata Mandarin Bisnis: Nama Departemen dalam Perusahaan (part-1)

Kosakata Mandarin Bisnis: Nama Departemen dalam Perusahaan (part-1)

Comic Strip Project in the M-Comic Application for Mandarin Vocabulary Learning

Comic Strip Project in the M-Comic Application for Mandarin Vocabulary Learning

Mandarin M-Comic Application Design in Supporting Mandarin Vocabulary Learning

Mandarin M-Comic Application Design in Supporting Mandarin Vocabulary Learning

Benefits of Using Mobile Apps as a Support for Mandarin Language Learning

Benefits of Using Mobile Apps as a Support for Mandarin Language Learning

Siri Webinar 2021: Sharing of Best Practice of Social Mobile Integrated Learning Environment Pedagogy (Smile) Using Soqqle

Siri Webinar 2021: Sharing of Best Practice of Social Mobile Integrated Learning Environment Pedagogy (Smile) Using Soqqle

The Advantages of Pleco and Google Translate Applications in Assisting Mandarin Language Learning

The Advantages of Pleco and Google Translate Applications in Assisting Mandarin Language Learning

The Study of Indonesia Industrial Development in Political Economy Approach

The Study of Indonesia Industrial Development in Political Economy Approach

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