About Chinese Departement

Starting from a belief in improving services to the community regarding education,  BINUS UNIVERSITY  opened a new study program in 2002, namely Chinese Literature. We anticipate that using Mandarin as the language of instruction will pique the interest of high school and senior high school students in pursuing tertiary education and enhancing their Mandarin skills.

Starting to open a new page in the world of education, BINUS UNIVERSITY’s Chinese literature study program began operating in Indonesia with a C accreditation. Of course, it requires hard work and fighting spirit to introduce a new study program at  BINUS UNIVERSITY . There are many questions regarding the quality of the lecturers, the courses given, and the professional prospects of graduates after completing the study period in the study program, which has just started operating. However, this did not reduce the enthusiasm of the lecturers and staff who are part of the Chinese literature study program.

After the first 3 years of operation, this study program applied to the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) to renew their accreditation as one of the conditions for a permit to run a study program in Indonesia. Thanks to the team’s hard work, the Chinese literature study program received B accreditation from BAN-PT. Of course, there has been an increase in education quality, which has had an impact on increasing the number of students choosing Chinese literature study programs.

At a glance, BAN PT is the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education, commonly called BAN-PT, which is a non-departmental institution or institution under the auspices of the Indonesian Education Department that has the authority to assess the quality of education provided by each study program within a university. To improve the quality of education in Indonesia at the tertiary level, this institution will evaluate the performance of all study programs at each university every five years in accordance with the results of a decision letter from the institution. We will process the evaluation results into an output value known as accreditation.

The accreditation process carried out by this institution, apart from assessing the performance results of each existing study program, also evaluates the results of direct observations regarding the performance of the study program in providing educational services and determines the appropriateness of the quality of the study program to obtain accreditation, which will be recognized publicly. national. The mechanism for the stages in the accreditation process begins with the preparation of documents in the form of forms. A form is a collection of administrative data from a study program. The evaluation process will continue with the documents sent to BAN-PT, and the results will determine whether or not the study program deserves accreditation.

While successfully maintaining B accreditation while active in the world of education, the Chinese literature study program continues to improve the quality of lecturers both from an academic and non-academic perspective, as well as the quality of students, so that they are able to compete in the global world. The Chinese literature study program has proven its quality, with many graduates working in national and multi-national companies. Before the permit to run this study program expired, it again applied for accreditation renewal in 2013. We made extensive preparations to collect student data from various units at BINUS University. Each unit provided various support to help prepare before entering the visitation stage by BAN-PT.

Finally, BINUS University’s Chinese literature study program achieved A accreditation thanks to the hard work and support of all units, and BAN-PT announced the results on Friday (09/01) via the official BAN-PT website. BINUS University’s Chinese literature study program is the first and only study program to achieve A accreditation. It is a big responsibility to maintain this achievement.


Started in 2002, Chinese Department is one of the departments at Faculty of Humanities and it is awarded Grade A from the National Accreditation Board (BAN-PT). The Chinese Department offers studies in Language Skills, Chinese culture, teaching and business. This information-packed course also gives students the opportunity to communicate and socialise in Chinese at the workplace.

BINUS UNIVERSITY is committed to educate the next generation and prepared them for competing in the global market. The Chinese Department of BINUS UNIVERSITY is the key to a fascinating career in the Chinese workplace. Chinese Department also has cooperation with many universities in China and other countries in providing short course, study tour, field trip, exchange (China and Taiwan University) full scholarship (1 year until 4 year, 1 year for study language, 2-3 years for study master and 3-4 year for study Ph.D.) for the students and alumni. Besides that, Chinese Department offers a 1 year internship for active students which collaborate with international, national and multinational companies and education institutions.

There is also Minor and Free Elective program which student can explore their interest. Developed their abilities, and apply it on their work. Student will have access to various subject in Computer Science, Design, Hospitality, Culinary and many more.

Catalog 2016/ B2020 (PDF)Catalog 2017/ B2021 (PDF)Catalog 2018/ B2022 (PDF)Catalog 2019/ B2023 (PDF)Catalog 2020/ B2024 (PDF)Catalog 2021/ B2025 (PDF)Catalog 2022/ B2026 (PDF),  Catalog 2023/ B2027 (PDF).


Globally recognized study program. Graduates who excellent in Mandarin language skills, Chinese culture, and business, as well as skilled in the use of technology and participate in fostering and empowering the nation and global society.


The mission of Chinese Department is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:

  1. Educating and equipping students with knowledge and skills of all aspects of Chinese language and culture, while supported by IT, to make them highly competitive and most creative and value-adding intellectuals and entrepreneurs.
  2. Preparing students with outstanding character in the community through world-class teaching, learning and research experience, including access to further degrees in Chinese Language or related disciplines.
  3. Providing students with the most recent and sophisticated knowledge applicable to be leaders of the global community and job market.
  4. Supporting students and lecturers to be creative individuals through a variety of programs that foster the utmost potential of students and lecturers by conducting research and professional services to society and gaining additional resources for the development of Chinese education.
  5. Improving the quality of life of Indonesians and the international community through mastery of Chinese language Culture.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the program are:

  1. Communicate fluently in Mandarin and have knowledge of Chinese Culture
  2. Utilizing technology to improve professionalism at work
  3. Applying Chinese Business ethics and knowledge to foster and empower society

Student Outcomes

After completing the study, graduates are:

  1. Able to communicate skillfully in Mandarin, both spoken and written in various contexts according to HSK level 4 and HSKK Intermediate standards or a minimum of 1200 vocabulary words
  2. Able to translate Mandarin into Indonesian and vice versa in writing or orally in accordance with translation rules
  3. Able to study aspects of language, culture and current issues in Indonesia and China in accordance with the rules of Mandarin grammar and linguistics which can be stated in written works using Mandarin or Indonesian or can be applied to relevant fields of work
  4. Able to apply Mandarin in teaching
  5. Able to apply Mandarin in business
  6. Able to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in developing alternative solutions for problem-solving

Prospective Career of the Graduates

Successful students who graduate can look forward to a fantastic choice of job opportunities, including:

  1. Company
    • Human resources
    • Public relations
    • Marketing Staff/ Manager
    • Assistance Manager/Director
    • Project Assistance
    • Project Manager
    • Secretary
    • Finance
    • Translator
    • Staff Editor
    • Visa Center Staff
    • Bank
  2. Education
    • Lecturer
    • Principal
    • Education Consultant
    • Education Coordinator
  3. Own business
    • Language school
    • Travel agency
    • Teaching agency
    • Business Set-up
    • International trade
  4. Interpreter
  5. Translator
  6. Travel/airplane
    • Tour Guide
    • Travel Staff
    • Flight Attendant
  7. Civil service/ government, including:
    • Department of foreign affairs
    • Department of tourism
    • Department of culture & education
    • Immigration