Comic Strip Project in the M-Comic Application for Mandarin Vocabulary Learning


How to arrange sentences and reading texts often come from textbooks. The example sentences and text provided only display the meaning and position in the sentence. The procedures for using it grammatically in sentences are often unclear. The context of the conversation used as an example sentence often does not relate directly to the daily lives of students. So that students have difficulty in composing sentences with the vocabulary learned. This study aims to overcome difficulties in learning Mandarin vocabulary through the comic strip project in the M-Comic application. Through a survey method of 48 students, first-year Chinese literature, there are three difficulties for students in learning vocabulary, namely, the meaning of words, how to use, and the context of use in conversation. Therefore, the author sparked the idea of M-Comic as a new learning media. M-Comic requires a story update in each period. The author involved 24 students who were divided into 8 groups to create comic content following the instructor’s direction. The survey results show students can apply learning by doing, by collaborating with fellow group members, together creating their conversation context that is closely related to daily life, to help mastering Mandarin vocabulary in more exciting way.

Authors: Jureynolds; Kelly Rosalian; Yi Ying

Citation: Jureynolds, Rosalin, K., & Ying, Y. (2021, February). Comic Strip Project in the M-Comic Application for Mandarin Vocabulary Learning. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1764, No. 1, p. 012090). IOP Publishing.

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