Using Flashcard To Attract Student Interest In Learning Mandarin Language
Authors: Yi Ying, Devita Marchelline, Gracia Wijaya
The use of learning media in learning Mandarin is very diverse. One of the media used is flash card. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the increase of students interest in learning Mandarin; (2) to determine the ability to master Mandarin vocabulary through a flashcard, and (3) to find out the improvement in writing Mandarin characters. This research uses descriptive analytical qualitative method in which the researcher distributes questionnaires and conducts experiments on the use of flashcards to elementary school students in Pelita Kasih elementary school. The data obtained comes from the results of the questionnaire and the comparison of values before and after learning by using a flashcard. Based on the analysis of the data obtained by researchers, it can be concluded that the 5th grade students of Pelita Kasih SDS like learning Mandarin by using a flashcard. Through learning with flash cards, the Mandarin scores of 5th grade students at Pelita Kasih SDS have increased. In addition, the students vocabulary mastery also increased. Thus the flash card is rated as an appropriate learning method for grade 5 elementary school students.
Keywords: Interests; Flashcard; Vocabulary; Mandarin; Elementary School students
Daily 5th Grade Student Assessment After Learning Mandarin Using Flashcard
This paper is the research collaboration between BINUS University-Chinese Department lecturer and students, and being presented at The 2nd International Conference on Computer, Science, Engineering and Technology , on 15th October 2019, at Tangerang Indonesia.