Design and Implementation of Internet-Based Flipped Classroom in the Introduction to Chinese Business Course at the Chinese Department of BINUS University

Authors: Jureynolds, Yi Ying

Industrial Era 4.0, where the internet has penetrated the world of education along with the issuance of Guidelines for the Preparation of Higher Education Curriculum in the Industrial Age 4.0 by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia, university lecturers are required to try to implement internet-based learning in their subjects. This paper discusses the design of the Flipped Classroom learning model in the Introduction to Chinese Business course, by utilizing various internet-based platforms commonly used by Chinese Department students at BINUS University. The researcher implemented this learning model for 4 weeks, and was evaluated by students who took the course with questionnaire and interview methods. The researcher concludes that Flipped Classroom can stimulate student enthusiasm for learning, enhance students self-learning abilities, and increase interaction between teacher to student and student to student in order to achieve optimal learning outcome of the course. In addition, Flipped Classroom can also be an alternative learning model that is transitional, from conventional learning to internet-based learning.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom; Learning Model; Chinese Department of BINUS University

Internet-based flipped classroom based model design

This paper is being presented at The 2nd International Conference on Computer, Science, Engineering and Technology , on 15th October 2019, at Tangerang Indonesia.